Now, as much as I love it, there are still a few obstacles to making it the absoute best thing since sliced bread.
First, when I had my cable installed, I didn't through very clearly where I wanted the DVR installed. I ended up having them put it in the living room. In hindsight, a BIG mistake. That I need to get corrected so that I can do all of the cool things you can do with DVR from the comfort of my bed.
Second, The work space has a lot to be desired. Now, I have a lap desk, that serves it's purpose pretty well. But, what I really want is this:

It is a beauty to behold - available through the greatest store ever invented for readers - Levenger. This little wonder can be used on either side of the bed and can adjust to several heights. It's also strong enough to hold a laptop computer. Which, by the way, is the key to my love of working in bed. Right along with the whole wireless internet amazement.
What would we do without modern technology?
I'm slowly learning that it's the little things that make people the happiest. Small steps. That's what counts.