The day has finally arrived! I am closing on my condo this afternoon. I'm still not excited about it, but I think that's because of knowing that my luck tends to run very thin. I'm sure that my excitement will grow throughout the morning, as I treck to NOrthern Colorado to pick up the cashier's check for the down payment. Once I am done signing those 5,000 papers to take ownership of my condo, it's then off to pick up more moving boxes that a friend of mine has been saving at his work.
And then? An actual evening out where I get to socialize and have some fun with another friend of mine. Comedy Works and then dancing at The Stampede. I haven't done either of these things in ages.
Tomorrow is more high adventure as I go shopping for a new car. An SUV in order to grow my business to where I want it to be. And, of course, a bigger payment. And higher insurance. And more gas.
Ah, to begin life anew!