I've been on Spring Break this week. It's absolutely crazy how tired I've been all week long! I think it's because I'm actually allowing myself to relax and be lazy, which I can't do on a normal day. I was in a meeting this morning and I had this gigantic yawn right when someone asked me a question - I actually apologized profusely because the timing of it was so rude (not intentional, mind you, but still rude). Everybody just laughed and we all went along our merry way, but still!
It's been a very pleasant week, allowing myself to be lazy and watch tv and movies in the evening. I usually have a six foot table set up in my living room so that I can work on things while I'm watching tv, but this week, I put the table away so that I can lay on the couch and just be. What glory!
What am I going to do with all of my time once I graduate?