Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Another Day, Another Half-Dollar
So I guess that blogging is the "new" rage in the techno world - how new? Who knows, I'm always behind the times in everything but eventually manage to catch up to everyone else. Of course, when you have absolutely nothing to do all day long, it seems natural to want to fill the hours with something, so here we are. Why don't I have anything to do all day long? Because my sole focus is on school, and not work, until May. May. Finally. Finally in May I will have my bachelor's degree and I can hopefully move forward with the whole career thing. I've had many a career in my short life-span - Lifeguard/swimming instructor, legal secretary, insurance agent/csr, admin assistant (Ok, I've been one of these many different times and you know what? I have this particular career down pat and would really rather not ever do it again if I can help it), and I've also had numerous certifications and licenses - cake decorator, insurance agent, bartender, paralegal. Apparently, I just don't get enough of schooling! May. Is it here yet?